Best Practices for Board Meetings

A board meeting is a place where the key stakeholders — usually employees, investors, and members of the local communityshare the responsibility of an organisation. The responsibilities of the board often include making decisions and setting the direction for the company. To accomplish these goals, the board needs to be active and informed. Meetings of…

How to Get Your Board of Directors on the Same Page

In board meetings, directors outline their differing perspectives and debate different ideas to reach the right decision on key issues. These can include corporate policies, management decisions or even addressing crises. It’s harder than it seems to reach an agreement. It’s actually impossible to make any major decision without the full support of your…

Benefits of a Board Room Provider Review

A review of board room providers is a useful tool to help companies identify areas of weakness and improve efficiency. It can also reduce travel costs. These meetings require collaboration communication, and a clear understanding of the company’s goals. They can be difficult to plan and even more difficult to execute. A digital boardroom is…